Topic A: Working with PivotTables
Topic B: Rearranging PivotTables
Topic C: Formatting PivotTables
Topic D: Using Pivot Charts
Topic A: Creating and using names
Topic B: Managing names
Topic A: Using special number formats
Topic B: Using functions to format text
Topic C: Working with styles
Topic D: Working with themes
Topic E: Other advanced formatting
Topic A: Running and recording a macro
Topic B: Working with VBA code
Topic C: Creating functions
Topic A: Logical functions
Topic B: Math and statistical functions
Topic A: Financial functions
Topic B: Date and time functions
Topic C: Array formulas
Topic D: Displaying and printing formulas
Topic A: Validating cell entries
Topic B: Exploring database functions
Topic A: Using lookup functions
Topic B: Using MATCH and INDEX
Topic C: Creating data tables
Topic A: Chart formatting options
Topic B: Combination charts
Topic C: Graphical elements
Topic A: Folders & Rules
Topic B: Basic & Advanced Search
Topic C: Filtering
Topic D: Categories
Topic A: Managing your mailbox
Topic B: Archiving your mail
Topic A: share your calendar
Topic B: Share your contacts
Topic C: Delegate Access to Outlook Folders
Topic A: Performing mail merges
Topic B: Working with templates
Topic A: Navigate the PowerPoint Environment
Topic B: Create and Save a Presentation
Topic C: Use Help
Topic A: Select a Presentation Type
Topic B: View and Navigate a Presentation
Topic C: Edit Text
Topic D: Build a Presentation
Topic A: Modify Slide Masters and Slide Layouts
Topic B: Add Headers and Footers
Topic C: Modify the Notes Master and the Handout Master
Topic A: Insert Clip Art and Images
Topic B: Insert Shapes
Topic A: Create a Table
Topic B: Format a Table
Topic C: Insert a Table from Other Microsoft Office Applications
Topic A: Create a Chart
Topic B: Format a Chart
Topic C: Insert a Chart from Microsoft Excel
Topic A: Review Your Presentation
Topic B: Apply Transitions
Topic C: Print Your Presentation
Topic D: Deliver Your Presentation
Topic A: Customize the User Interface
Topic B: Set PowerPoint 2013 Options
Topic A: Create SmartArt
Topic B: Modify SmartArt
Topic A: Examining formatting
Topic B: Creating styles
Topic C: Modifying styles
Topic D: Working with outlines
Topic A: Creating and formatting sections
Topic B: Working with columns
Topic A: Template basics
Topic B: Building blocks
Topic C: Document properties
Topic A: Form letters
Topic B: Data sources for the recipient list
Topic C: Mailing labels and envelope
Topic A: Recording and running macros
Topic B: Modifying and deleting macros
Topic A: Creating forms
Topic B: Protecting forms
Topic C: Sharing and securing documents
Topic A: Customizing the Ribbon
Topic B: Customizing the Quick Access toolbar
Topic C: Customizing keyboard shortcuts
Topic A: Master documents
Topic B: Tables of contents and figures
Topic C: Indexes, bibliographies, and other references
Topic D: Bookmarks and cross-references
Topic E: Web frames
Topic A: The program window
Topic B: Outlook Today
Topic C: Getting help
Topic A: Setting message options
Topic B: Managing junk e-mail
Topic C: Using Search folders
Topic D: Printing messages and attachments
Topic A: Message appearance
Topic B: Signatures
Topic C: Voting buttons
Topic D: Out-of-office messages
Topic A: Working with contacts
Topic B: Using contact groups
Topic C: Using the People Pane
Topic A: Working with tasks
Topic B: Managing tasks
Topic A: Creating and sending appointments
Topic B: Modifying appointments
Topic C: Working with events
Topic D: Using Calendar views
Topic A: Scheduling meetings
Topic B: Managing meetings
Topic A: The Outlook environment
Topic B: General options
Topic C: Language and keyboard options
Topic D: Quick Steps
Topic E: The Navigation pane
Topic A: Folders & Rules
Topic B: Basic & Advanced Search
Topic C: Filtering
Topic D: Categories
Topic A: Managing your mailbox
Topic B: Archiving your mail
Topic A: share your calendar
Topic B: Share your contacts
Topic C: Delegate Access to Outlook Folders
Topic A: Performing mail merges
Topic B: Working with templates
Topic A: Navigate the OneNote 2016 Environment
Topic B: Use Templates
Topic C: Customize the OneNote User Interface
Topic A: Apply Formatting to Notebook Content
Topic B: Insert Images and Audio into a Notebook
Topic C: Add Quick Notes and Links
Topic D: Use Drawing Tools
Topic A: Embed Excel Spreadsheets
Topic B: Attach Other File Types
Topic A: Use Tags
Topic B: Organize and Search Notebooks
Topic A: Proof and Print a Notebook
Topic B: Configure Password Protection and Notebook Properties
Topic A: Export Content from OneNote Notebooks
Topic B: Back Up and Restore Notebook Content
Topic A: Send OneNote Content in Other Formats
Topic B: Share OneNote Content by Using OneDrive