•Wellsfargo Bank
•Overview of global Fraud Risk Management Guidance
•COSO and ACFE's Fraud Risk Management Guide
•Enhancing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) frameworks
•Integration of specific sections on fraud risks
Surveys indicate that the costliest frauds often occur at the Board and Executive levels. This program addresses the essential governance disciplines that Boards can implement to enhance transparency and effectiveness in managing fraud risks.
The key Topics highlighted in this area address:
•Related Party Transactions
•Conflicts of Interest
•Code of Conduct
•Performance Assessment
•Embedding Fraud Risks in Strategy Development
•Remuneration Policies
•Fraud Risk – Risk Management, Internal Audit or Compliance?
•Policies & Procedures
•Systems & Automation
•Employee Accountability
•Performance Measurement
•Fraud Risk Governance
•Fraud Risk Assessment
•Fraud Control Activity
•Fraud Investigations & Corrective Action Plans
•Fraud Risk Management Monitoring Activities
•Analyzing Internal & External Factors
•Types of Fraud Risks
•The Fraud Triangle Data Analytics & Risk Identification
•The Fraud Risk Register
•Factors influencing Fraud
•The Anti-Fraud PlayBook
•Different Fraud Schemes
•Thinking like a fraudster
•Importance of identifying fraud risks:
1. Essential for effective management of fraud risks
2. Skills required by fraud professionals:
3. Ability to identify fraud risks in various processes
4. Capability to train and guide process owners on identifying fraud risks
•Key techniques for fraud professionals to effectively identify fraud risks
•Case studies
•Activities aim to identify and document potential fraud risks
•Exploration of various fraud schemes across different industries
Once fraud risks are identified, participants will learn to design anti-fraud controls to mitigate these risks. The focus will extend beyond the design to address challenges organizations face in ensuring these controls are substantive, not just formal. This section will focus on the following:
•Automated Vs. Manual Controls
•Preventive & Detective Controls
•Control Reports & Data Analysis
•Technology & Related Controls
•Whistleblowing system
•Code of Ethical Conduct
•External Auditors
•Effective Internal Audit Functions
•Whistleblowing Systems
•Anti-Fraud Policy
•Employee Support Programs
•Fraud Trainings for Executives/ Employees
•Dedicated Fraud Department
•Fraud Risk Assessment
•Proactive Data Monitoring / Analysis
•Rewards for Whistleblowers
The primary goal of this program is to emphasize fraud prevention through designing and implementing an effective Fraud Risk Management Framework. Additionally, a section on fraud investigations will ensure participants understand how to implement Fraud Investigations and Corrective Action Plans, key components of Fraud Risk Management.
This section will briefly cover the following:
•Why conduct fraud examinations?
•What do fraud examinations entail?
•Fraud Theory Approach
•Fraud Response Plan
•Initial Response to Suspicions or Allegations of Fraud
•Planning & Conducting Formal Investigations
•Investigation Plan
•Pre-Fraud Examination
•What are the Goals From the Examination?
•Determine Scope of Investigation
•Establish Investigation Timeframe
•Outline the Course of Action
•Analyzing Documents
1. Types of Evidence
2. Forensic Documentation Examinations
3. Chain of Custody
1. Characteristics of Successful Interview
2. Elements of Conversations
3. Inhibitors of Communications
4. Facilitators of Communication
Risk Management Professionals
Compliance Professionals
Internal Auditors
Fraud Examiners