American National Standards Institute
Marking 100 years of experience, ANSI is the official U.S. representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and, via the U.S. National Committee, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and is a U.S. representative to the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). ANSI accreditation is nationally and internationally recognized as a mark of quality and assures that employers can have confidence that the certificate holder has completed the prescribed course of study. ANSI’s accreditation process itself follows ISO/IEC 17011, the International Standard that defines quality third-party accreditation practices. ANSI’s Certificate Accreditation Program (ANSI-CAP) accredits assessment–based education and training programs against the American National Standard ASTM E2659. The standard establishes guidelines for quality certificate program development and administration, and forms the foundation for a recognition system that enables consumers, employers, government agencies, and others to distinguish between qualified workers and those with less-than-quality credentials.