
Professional Certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

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التدريب في الموقع
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لتحميل الكتيب

نبذة عن الدورة التدريبية

We’ll let you in on a secret: Innovation happens everywhere. More often than not, it is about ordinary people solving real problems.
This course will teach you to look at the world through the lens of problem discovery and problem solving. You will explore problems that you see in your life and in the world and evaluate their potential for entrepreneurial innovation. You will iterate toward solutions that are just right. As you do that, you will become a user innovator.
Examples of user innovation and its entrepreneurial potential are infinite. A surfer created the GoPro to take “selfies” while surfing. A student came up with Dropbox after losing the flash drive. Two entrepreneurs created a tool for themselves to track software bugs, giving rise to Atlassian.
This course will guide you through a step-by-step process for ideating a user innovation and shaping its entrepreneurial possibilities. Importantly, through immersive case studies, this course will introduce you to effective strategies of entrepreneurial bootstrapping, so that you can succeed even when you do not have many resources.

المخرجات الرئيسية


The University System of Maryland
Brand Logo
USM The University System of Maryland (USM) is Maryland's system of public higher education. Its members include all public universities in the state, with the exception of Morgan State University and St. Mary's College. In addition to its 12 degree-granting universities, the USM includes one research institution and three regional higher education centers. Our 12 institutions offer more than 1,400 academic programs to more than 176,000 students at multiple sites throughout the state and worldwide. USMx ​Since its inception, the Kirwan Center has been supporting USM institutions in making strategic forays into online learning. “Online learning” in this context is defined as any learning environment that makes substantive use of a web-based component that enables collaboration and access to content beyond the classroom. Online learning strategies across the USM range from fully online degree/certificate programs, to MOOCs, to hybrid and “flipped“ courses. To advance this work, the Kirwan Center has launched USMx to help institutions leverage the affordances of online learning to give students the flexibility to interact with content, faculty, and learning communities in the ways that best meet their needs. The USMx mission is to provide both access to innovative e-learning technologies as well as the resources, support, and planning necessary for strategic implementation of online learning. This, in turn, helps our institutions achieve their mission of providing access to high quality, affordable higher education to a diverse student body both in Maryland and across the globe.

محتوى الدورة التدريبية

Part 1
Ready, Set, Go! Go through Evolution Explore Your Problem Set
Dive In
Preflection: Defining Innovation
What’s the difference between inventions and innovations?
What is disruptive innovation?
Explore & Reflect
Reflection: An Example of Your User Innovation
Exploration: Find and Share Three User Innovation Examples
Course Learning Journey
Course Faculty
Innovators Profiled in You Can Innovate
What is User Innovation?
What are some examples of user innovations?
How can you become a user innovator?
The Da Vinci Code: what can we learn from historical user innovators?
Why ideas alone have no value
Learning Module 1 – Solve Your Problem Go through Evolution Refine Your Problem Set
Dive In
Preflection: Are You a User or Producer Innovator?
Module 1 Videos – Solve Your Problem
Case study: Skateboarding
Featured innovator: Emily Lagasse, Founder, Fedwell
Case Study: AirBnB
Explore & Reflect
Reflection: Why Some Problems And Not Others?
Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of Democratization of Innovation
How prevalent is User Innovation?
Why do people innovate and why don't companies always do it for them?
How to have a great idea
Cultivating an innovation mindset
What is human-centric design and why is it crucial to modern innovation?
Part 2
Learning Module 2 – Frame Your Problem Go through Evolution Look In
Dive In
Preflection: Hard Problems
Module 2 Videos – Focus on a Problem You Can Solve
Explore & Reflect
Exploration: Talk to an Innovator
Chapters 4 and 5 of Democratization of Innovation
Decomposition: break up hard problems into manageable smaller challenges
How to discover hidden needs and their implicit opportunities
Concept Review 1 Go through Evolutions Look Outward & Re-conceptualize Your Solution
Explore and Reflect
Reflection: Updating Your Innovation Definition
Concepts Review 1
Learning Module 3 – Peer-to-Peer Diffusion Go through Evolution Diffusing Your Innovation Peer-to-Peer
Dive In
Preflection: Does Free Mean Free?
Module 3 Videos – Diffuse Your Innovation Peer-to-Peer
Case study: Khan Academy
Case Study: Canva
Explore & Reflect
Exploration: Share Three Peer-to-Peer Diffusion Examples
Chapters 6 and 7 of Democratization of Innovation
Why are some innovations given away for free?
What are the challenges and rewards of giving away your innovation?
How do you make your innovation worth adopting for others?
Is your innovation right for Peer-To-Peer diffusion?
Part 3
Learning Module 4 – Diffusion via the Market Go through Evolution Diffusing Your Innovation Via the Market
Dive In
Preflection: Why Can't Everything Be Free?
Module 4 Videos – Diffuse Your Innovation via the Market
Case study: Steadicam
Case Study: Ring
Exploration: Share Three Examples of Via the Market Diffusion
Chapter 8 of Democratization of Innovation
Why do some User Innovations become commercial?
What makes people happy to pay for your innovation?
How do User Innovators survive among big producers?
Is your innovation right for Market Diffusion?
Sell it before you build it
David vs Goliath: how to beat giants
Learning Module 5 – Turning your idea into reality
Dive In
Difference between a sketch, prototype and MVP
The rise of no-code
Case Study: ShapesXR
Explore and Reflect
Exploration: joint collaborative prototyping exercise and experience
Smart innovation: building a better mousetrap
Rapid prototyping tools & techniques
VR/AR, a new age of prototyping
Part 4
Learning Module 6 – Democratization of Innovation Go through Evolutions Make a Choice & Get the Trends On Your Side
Dive In
Preflection: The Future of User Innovation
Module 5 Videos – Democratization of Innovation
Case study: Mods
Featured innovator: Slava Menn, Co-founder, Fortified Bicycle
Case Study: Micro-Acquire
Explore and Reflect
Exploration: Share Three Examples of User Innovation Communitiese
Chapter 9 of Democratization of Innovation
What is making innovation today more accessible for everyone?
What is the future of User Innovation?
Micro-innovation is the future
Innovation as a habit: how to strengthen your innovation muscle
Learning Module 7 – Bootstrapping Your Venture Go through a special Evolution on bootstrapping
Live virtual learning session on venture bootstrapping
Case study: Atlassian
Featured innovators: Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar, Atlassian
Case-study: Clearbanc
Explore & Reflect
Attend a case study seminar on bootstrapping.
Case Study: Atlassian (To be share in advance of the live seminar)
What are the next steps after you have identified and understood the problem and developed a prototype solution?
Are there pathways for you to grow your venture even if you don't have the resources?
What are the short-term and long-term advantages of bootstrapping your venture?
Beyond VC: clever, low-barrier funding options
Concept Review 2 Go through Evolution Your Future Plans
Explore and Reflect
Reflection: Your New Definition of Innovation
Concepts Review 2

على من يجب الحضور؟

This highly practical and interactive course has been specifically designed for
The course should be timely and specifically beneficial for:
→ Aspiring entrepreneurs searching for startup ideas;
→ Inveterate inventors looking to expand the impact of their innovations on society;
→ Committed entrepreneurs seeking effective strategies for advancing their entrepreneurial missions, especially under constraints of resource scarcity.

الدورات ذات الصلة

أسئلة شائعة

ما هي لغة التدريس في الدورات التدريبية؟ وما هو مستوى اللغة الإنجليزية المطلوب للمشاركة في برامج ليورون؟
تُقدَّم معظم الدورات العامة لدينا باللغة الإنجليزية. لذا، يُشترط في المشاركين أن يكونوا متمكّنين من اللغة الإنجليزية لضمان المشاركة الفعالة في ورش العمل والتفاعل مع باقي المشاركين. أما بالنسبة للدورات الداخلية (In-house)، فلدينا القدرة على تقديم التدريب باللغات العربية والهولندية والألمانية والبرتغالية.
هل الدورات العامة التي تقدّمها ليورون معتمدة من أيّ جهة رسمية؟
يتعاون معهد ليورون مع أكثر من 20 جهة ومنظمة دولية، كما يمنح ساعات التطوير المهني المستمر (CPE/PDUs) من خلال الهيئات التالية: 1. الرابطة الوطنية لمجالس المحاسبة في الولايات المتحدة (NASBA) 2. وحدات PDUs لمعهد إدارة المشاريع 3. اعتمادات المعهد البريطاني للأوراق المالية والاستثمار (CISI) 4. اعتمادات الرابطة العالمية لمدراء المخاطر (GARP) 5. اعتمادات إعادة التصديق من المعهد الأمريكي للموارد البشرية (HRCI) 6. اعتمادات إعادة التصديق من منظمة SHRM.
ما هو الموعد النهائي للتسجيل في الدورات العامة؟
الموعد النهائي للتسجيل في الدورات العامة هو 14 يوماً قبل بدء الدورة. يرجى ملاحظة أنه في بعض الحالات، قد يتم قبول التسجيلات المتأخرة، ولكن ذلك يتطلب موافقة مدير المشروع التدريبي، أو مكتب التسجيل الذي يمكن التواصل معه عبر رقم الهاتف +1071 4 1075 5711 أو البريد الإلكتروني [email protected].
ما الذي تشمله رسوم الدورة؟
تشمل رسوم الدورة تجربة تدريبية متميزة في فندق 5 نجوم، والمواد التعليمية، ووجبات الغداء والمرطبات، بالإضافة إلى رسوم الشهادات والانضمام إلى الهيئات المعتمدة في بعض الدورات.
هل تقدّم ليورون خصومات؟
نعم، يمكننا تقديم خصومات على الحجوزات الجماعية، ويسعدنا التحدث معك إذا كنت ترغب في مناقشة الحصول على خصم على مستوى الشركات.


  • عرض:
    AR IAMM Internal Audit Maturity Model
    AR In recognition of their dedication and contribution supporting IKEA Saudi Arabia in arranging training programs during 2017 & 2018, looking forward for more development and exciting effort this year. On behalf of IKEA Saudi Arabia, THANK YOU!
    Dalal Kutbi
  • عرض:
    AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
    AR Dating back to 2014, Mobily’s “LEORON” experience has grown from a single collaboration to a long-term partnership. We consider “LEORON” Institute as a strategic partner, whose contribution has been nothing but premium in equipping our staff with field-based knowledge and information. Past three years have resulted with an expanded collaboration with superior customer service and support. Best Regards,
    Turki S. Alsahaan
  • عرض:
    AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
    AR Since the partnership was signed between BAE Systems Saudi Development & Training and LEORON in 2017, we have been working together to offer the Saudi market a complete portfolio of training solutions benefiting from the wide and extensive experience of both parties. Recognizing the great success of this partnership, we are looking for further collaborations in the future that will position both companies as one of the leading training providers in Saudi Arabia. We thank the LEORON team for their full cooperation and continuing support, and look forward to further success together in the years to come.
    Emad Alrajih
  • عرض:
    AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
    AR We have been working with LEORON for the past two years and will be working with them again this upcoming year. The programs they delivered were fruitful and exciting and our organization has received positive feedback from the participants. What our organization aims to do is to provide at no cost training for all the private sector employees so that they may benefit from our offered programs in Innovation and Professional development. LEORON has helped us achieve this goal. We look forward to continuing this service and wish them the best of luck. Regards,
    Nasser M. Al-Subaie