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الشهادة التمهيدية الدولية CILT في مجال الخدمات اللوجستية والنقل

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لتحميل الكتيب

نبذة عن الدورة التدريبية

The CILT International Introductory Certificate in Logistics and Transport offers a broad understanding of the principles, applications and concepts of logistics and transport industry. It gives students the opportunity to focus on an area of specialism to gain introductory knowledge of their professional sector.

المخرجات الرئيسية

General Objectives:
The courses aim at equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to manage logistics, transport and general supply chain operations in their respective organisations.
Specific Objectives:
Among other objectives, the participants will be able to:
· Professionally manage inventories and warehouse operations
· Evaluate financing options for transport acquisition and operations
· Effectively handle goods and services distribution
Appreciate the strategic role of Logistics and Transport in the organizations’ operations

CILT Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport
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CILT International is the global parent organisation for CILT. the leading international memership organisation for everyone within logistics and transport.

محتوى الدورة التدريبية

Mandatory Units
1. Business Theory (CERT-M1)
The role of management can be a very diverse and multi-disciplined practice that requires talented individuals to analyse, control and manage a multitude of operations and departments.
A range of management skills is required – whether course participants are working in a large international organisation or as a sole trader managing their own workload, diary and commercial aspects. In either arena, the art of the manager is to ensure maximum return on the operation from efficiency to finances.
Within this module a range of management disciplines from marketing and information flow to business planning and commercial skills are examined.
2. Business Application (CERT-M2)
Irrespective of the organisation, the arena of business or the tasks undertaken, management requires a group of individuals to work together with one objective: to achieve the targets, goals and aims defined by the organisation whilst adhering to its mission. Essentially, management involves a number of key factors, namely controlling, directing, leading, planning and staffing an organisation in mind of achieving a pre-set goal or several goals. Notably, for the purpose of this guide, an organisation in this context is defined as a group of one or more individuals or bodies.
Optional/Elective Units
Warehousing (CERT-O1)
Warehousing is accepted today as a critical component of logistics and supply chain operations. Warehouses have transformed from a mere storage place for goods to become complex operations that continue to add value to supply chain and give competitive advantages to organisations. This unit is designed in such a way so as to provide students with the knowledge and understanding of warehousing, and to thereby deliver the skills required by an aspiring Warehouse Manager to operate effectively. The unit covers all of the key areas of warehousing operations and the key activities involved in each area.
Inventory (CERT-O2)
The Inventory module is a stand-alone unit that focuses specifically on three areas:
→ Managing Inventory;
→ Controlling Stock;
→ Managing Performance.
Passenger Transport Operations (CERT-O3)
This element seeks to identify how transport has become an integrated part of society, and in all aspects, essential to how our modern society functions. Recent events such as flooding or terrorist incidents have demonstrated that disruption to transportation systems can cause immediate and long lasting impacts especially in today’s global supply chains. Whether it is an accident within the system, external weather or natural events that disrupt the way the system can function, or intentional disruption such as a strike by the workforce or an attack on the network, our reliance on transportation systems is obvious. People cannot get to work or education, visit hospitals, childcare becomes difficult, and food cannot be transported to retail shops. Such dependencies are explored and in addition why we rely so heavily on transportation systems, how transport constantly evolves to meet the ever changing demands of modern society
Procurement (CERT-O4)
Procurement is a key strategic element in any supply chain process. A Supply Chain comprises all activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods, from raw materials stage through to the final consumer, and so it is a sequence of events intended to satisfy a customer or end user. It is made up of various elements, including manufacturing, distribution, transport, warehousing, inventory control, materials handling, and procurement.
Freight Transport Operations (CERT-O5)
This unit has been to aid understanding of freight transport operations globally. It covers all the major modes of transport used to move goods both as a standalone operation and as part of modern supply chains.
The unit comprises of three main components:
→ Freight Transport Role, Structure and the Environment;
→ Freight Transport Planning and Demand;
→ Freight Transport Regulation, Control and Business.
Supply Chain Operations (CERT-O7)
This module covers the key concepts surrounding supply chain operations and focuses on four main components:
→ Fundamentals of a Supply Chain;
→ The Supply Chain Environment;
→ Operation of a Supply Chain;
→ Supply Chain Performance.
Transport Planning (CERT-O8)
This unit is designed to provide an overview of the various aspects of transport planning. It seeks to give a flavour of the different elements of transport planning, showing the part played by each in the making, planning, development and implementation of transport projects, together with relevant issues concerning travel behaviour, modal choice and accessibility. In particular, the unit aims to broaden the candidate’s thinking respect of the various factors that have to be balanced in transport decision making: economic prosperity, environment, congestion, social inclusion and accessibility, equity, choice, safety.
Students are encouraged to study the given, but to link them into their local/ national and regional environment so that practices undertaken locally can be seen in the wider global context. However many transport planning practices / measures have universal applicability.
Green Logistics (CERT-O9)
This Unit is specifically designed to provide information and to help understanding of green and sustainable logistics and supply chain management. It covers the environmental impact of logistics and supply chain operations, modal considerations, energy efficiency, future trends and strategies, the management of change aimed at improving sustainability and the required performance measures and performance monitoring that will be required in order to bring about such desired and planned changes.
It comprises of three components:
1. Green and Sustainable Logistics;
2. Sustainable Logistics and Supply ChainOperations Today and in the Future;
3. Green Logistics Management, Performance and Monitoring.
Global Logistics (CERT-O10)
This unit is specifically designed to provide students with both knowledge and understanding of current trade patterns and the structure and operation of global and multi-national trade, business and supply chains.
Port Operations (CERT-O11)
This unit is specifically designed to provide information and to help understanding of port management and port operations. It covers the types and functions of ports and terminals and their management, operation and maintenance. It includes global, international and national freight movements, types of goods and vessels, passenger considerations, port and area controls, physical and human resource requirements, consignments, unitisation and consignment monitoring.

على من يجب الحضور؟

This highly practical and interactive course has been specifically designed for
The CILT International Introductory Certificate in Logistics and Transport is designed for new entrants to the logistics and transport sector and is suitable for front line and supervisory staff working in the industry. This is an open access qualification, although students would benefit from having some prior knowledge of logistics and transport operations and an awareness of the main principles of the industry.

الدورات ذات الصلة

أسئلة شائعة

ما هي لغة التدريس في الدورات التدريبية؟ وما هو مستوى اللغة الإنجليزية المطلوب للمشاركة في برامج ليورون؟
تُقدَّم معظم الدورات العامة لدينا باللغة الإنجليزية. لذا، يُشترط في المشاركين أن يكونوا متمكّنين من اللغة الإنجليزية لضمان المشاركة الفعالة في ورش العمل والتفاعل مع باقي المشاركين. أما بالنسبة للدورات الداخلية (In-house)، فلدينا القدرة على تقديم التدريب باللغات العربية والهولندية والألمانية والبرتغالية.
هل الدورات العامة التي تقدّمها ليورون معتمدة من أيّ جهة رسمية؟
يتعاون معهد ليورون مع أكثر من 20 جهة ومنظمة دولية، كما يمنح ساعات التطوير المهني المستمر (CPE/PDUs) من خلال الهيئات التالية: 1. الرابطة الوطنية لمجالس المحاسبة في الولايات المتحدة (NASBA) 2. وحدات PDUs لمعهد إدارة المشاريع 3. اعتمادات المعهد البريطاني للأوراق المالية والاستثمار (CISI) 4. اعتمادات الرابطة العالمية لمدراء المخاطر (GARP) 5. اعتمادات إعادة التصديق من المعهد الأمريكي للموارد البشرية (HRCI) 6. اعتمادات إعادة التصديق من منظمة SHRM.
ما هو الموعد النهائي للتسجيل في الدورات العامة؟
الموعد النهائي للتسجيل في الدورات العامة هو 14 يوماً قبل بدء الدورة. يرجى ملاحظة أنه في بعض الحالات، قد يتم قبول التسجيلات المتأخرة، ولكن ذلك يتطلب موافقة مدير المشروع التدريبي، أو مكتب التسجيل الذي يمكن التواصل معه عبر رقم الهاتف +1071 4 1075 5711 أو البريد الإلكتروني [email protected].
ما الذي تشمله رسوم الدورة؟
تشمل رسوم الدورة تجربة تدريبية متميزة في فندق 5 نجوم، والمواد التعليمية، ووجبات الغداء والمرطبات، بالإضافة إلى رسوم الشهادات والانضمام إلى الهيئات المعتمدة في بعض الدورات.
هل تقدّم ليورون خصومات؟
نعم، يمكننا تقديم خصومات على الحجوزات الجماعية، ويسعدنا التحدث معك إذا كنت ترغب في مناقشة الحصول على خصم على مستوى الشركات.


  • عرض:
    AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
    AR We have been working with LEORON for the past two years and will be working with them again this upcoming year. The programs they delivered were fruitful and exciting and our organization has received positive feedback from the participants. What our organization aims to do is to provide at no cost training for all the private sector employees so that they may benefit from our offered programs in Innovation and Professional development. Leoron has helped us achieve this goal. We look forward to continuing this service and wish them the best of luck. Regards,
    Nasser M. Al-Subaie
  • عرض:
    Financial Modeling Master Course
    Relevant And Well Structured Courses
    A very useful Financial Modelling course with relevant topics which I will definitely use in my work. The covered topics will help me improve the daily work as well as step up my level of Excel and VBA. The instructor's way of presenting the topics was very interesting, well structured and interactive. I will definitely recommend the course to my colleagues
    Miramgul Maralova
    Senior Analyst
  • عرض:
    AR IAMM Internal Audit Maturity Model
    AR In recognition of their dedication and contribution supporting IKEA Saudi Arabia in arranging training programs during 2017 & 2018, looking forward for more development and exciting effort this year. On behalf of IKEA Saudi Arabia, THANK YOU!
    Dalal Kutbi
  • عرض:
    AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
    AR Dating back to 2014, Mobily’s “LEORON” experience has grown from a single collaboration to a long-term partnership. We consider “LEORON” Institute as a strategic partner, whose contribution has been nothing but premium in equipping our staff with field-based knowledge and information. Past three years have resulted with an expanded collaboration with superior customer service and support. Best Regards,
    Turki S. Alsahaan
  • عرض:
    AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
    AR Since the partnership was signed between BAE Systems Saudi Development & Training and LEORON in 2017, we have been working together to offer the Saudi market a complete portfolio of training solutions benefiting from the wide and extensive experience of both parties. Recognizing the great success of this partnership, we are looking for further collaborations in the future that will position both companies as one of the leading training providers in Saudi Arabia. We thank the LEORON team for their full cooperation and continuing support, and look forward to further success together in the years to come.
    Emad Alrajih