
AI Strategies for Executive Leaders

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Babson College
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Founded in 1919, Babson College is the top-ranked college for entrepreneurship education. We believe that entrepreneurship is the most positive force on the planet for generating sustainable economic and social value, and Babson is a dynamic living and learning laboratory where more than 3,000 students from over 70 countries work together with faculty and staff to address the problems of business and society. In our collaborative community, students gain the fundamental business skills and liberal arts knowledge necessary to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset. They then use that mindset to put what they learn into practice, making an impact on campus and around the world.

محتوى الدورة التدريبية

Day 1
Session 1 – What is AI? Applications and Examples of AI

→ Introducing AI & The Different Types of AI

 • Reactive 
• Theory of Mind 
• Limited Memory
 • Self Aware 

→ How Does AI and Generative AI Work?
 There are many types of AI however Generative AI is currently the most used in the workplace 

→ AI and Business
 Accenture had a study suggesting that AI could double annual economic growth rates by 2035 and increase labor productivity by up to 40%, but how?

 Discussion: Opportunities for AI in your view

 Define and discuss areas of application for AI in your organization

Session 2 – AI Concepts, Terminology, and Application Areas in the Workplace

→ AI Terminology and Related Concepts 

• Machine Learning
 • Deep Learning
 • Neural Networks
 • Natural Language Processing, Speech, Vision Outline the main concepts and terminology of AI 

→ Impact Examples of Generative AI?

 How will AI effect business leadership? The opportunities and the challenges. 

→ AI and Leadership

 How will AI effect business leadership? The opportunities and the challenges.

Session 3 – AI: the Opportunity for Transformational and Generational Change in the Workplace – PART I

→ What is the Size of The Prize?

 • Unprecedented People Productivity and Value  
 AI has the potential to increase global GDP by up to 2.9% annually (according to Goldman Sachs) How will this be accomplished? 

→ Challenges in Harnessing AI in the Workplace It is critical to match people strategy to execution of the corporate strategy. How to do this, effectively?

 Discussion: Where is generative AI most relevant in your organization and why?

 Define and discuss areas of most promise for AI 

→ What Roles/Jobs Will AI Impact the Most/Least 

Cost savings are not worth as much as increases in performance

 Exercise 1: Define most promising roles/jobs for AI 

As a group, discuss and list out the roles/jobs that would be most suitable for augmenting with AI

 → Day One Wrap up

 Let’s wrap up the day; answer any questions, discuss what we learned and prepare for Day Two.

Day 2
Session 1 – AI: the Opportunity for Transformational and Generational Change in the Workplace – PART II

→ The Role of AI in the Workplace 

• It is narrow and very specific; the Servant

 The human role is to ask AI the right questions and interpret the answers/ Cost savings are not worth as much as increases in performance

 Exercise 2: Define the role of AI in your workplace - will it replace or augment the workforce? (or both?)

 AI has very specific role to play in the organization; the challenged is to decide what to focus it on (and not to focus on)

→ The Role of the Human in Using AI in the Workplace 

• The Master: in control as judge and jury The human role is to ask AI the right questions Cost savings are not worth as much as increases in performance 

→ How Do Humans and Machines Work Best Together? 

The most effective use of AI is to augment humans making them better and more productive; but how? 

Discussion: Combining humans and machines; how will this work best? 

Put the two roles together and define the boundaries and responsibilities.

Session 2 – Building Awareness for the Workforce to Harness AI

→ Creating Awareness in the Workplace on What AI Is (and is not)

 Most everyone has heard of AI however there are varying degrees of understanding what it is and how it is applied in the workplace

 Exercise 3: Build an action plan to raise awareness and understanding of AI in your workplace

 Define a plan to get everyone on the same level of understanding of AI in your workplace

 → Building the Skills, Capabilities and Confidence to Harness AI 

Once it is clear what AI is in your organization, the next step is build the new skills, capabilities and confidence to partner with and leverage AI

Session 3 – Data for AI

→ Why Data is Essential to AI

 Once it is clear what AI is in your organization, the next step is build understand the role of data in AI

 → Finding, Generating and Managing Data

 Data management is absolutely the key to artificial intelligence. What is best practice in data management? 

→ Integrating Data into Products and Services 

AI data and outputs completely changes the way companies create and manage their products 

→ How to Develop an AI Data Strategy

 Exercise 4: Build AI Data Strategy Outline

 Define a plan for managing data for AI in your workplace 

→ Day Two Wrap up

 Let’s wrap up the day; answer any questions, discuss what we learned and prepare for Day Three.

Day 3
Session 1 – Driving Change in the Organization to Optimize AI

→ Creating the Roadmap for AI Change in the Workplace How does the organization get from A to B in driving AI change?

 Exercise 5: Draft an AI Change Roadmap

 Put your AI change strategy into the context of organizational change drive by AI 

→ Changing Organization Structure and Operating Models to Optimize AI

 19th and 20th century organizations structures and operating models do not work in a digital world; what needs to change?

 Discussion: New organization structures to optimize AI 

How will your organization structure change to optimize new technologies like AI? 

→ Changing the Employee Experience in the AI Age 

The workplace will never look the same again. Soon the keyboard, mouse and screen (even the smartphone) will disappear. What is the impact?

Session 2 – Capstone: Building Your Business Case for AI in the Workplace

→ The Economics of Improved Productivity Through AI

 The potential for major improvements in people performance has significant upside for organizational value. What is the potential upside worth? 

→ Cost Savings vs Productivity and Performance Improvement

 Cost savings are only a fraction of value of improvements in performance.

 Exercise 6: Calculating the value of AI productivity gains 

Define the value drivers. 

→ Five Step Process for AI Transformation - Developing a Value Case AI Change

 The Five Step Process for Transformation

 • Pinpoint 
• Inventory 
• Validate 
• Organize
 • Transform 

Case Study: Creating a Business Case

Structure a compelling business case for change to be used when you get back to work. 

→ Build Your AI Transformation Action Plan

 → Future-proofing Your People’s Skills for the AI Age 

The speed of change that AI will drive will require looking into the future to define what new skills and capabilities will be required.

 Discussion: How to Future-proof your workforce for AI change 

Put your people strategy into the context of corporate strategy and integrated talent management 

→ Day Three Wrap up

 Let’s wrap up the day; answer any questions, discuss what we learned and prepare for Day Four.

Day 4
Session 1 – AI: Issues and Concerns

→ Exploring Today’s AI Concerns

 AI is becoming a more and more powerful tool in the workplace. How can the workforce use it carefully and thoughtfully?

Discussion: Let’s reflect on AI concerns and potential approaches to mitigation

 → Foundations of Trustworthy AI 

The organization and its leaders need to put in place operational procedures to ensure AI is used appropriately; what does this look like?

Session 2 – AI: Ethical Considerations

→ Exploring AI & Ethics

 With the rise of Generative AI, more than ever before, organizations need to think about building AI systems in a responsible and governed manner. 

→ Understanding Bias in AI 

In some generative AI applications algorithmic bias can creep in — and it can quickly lead to unexpected and undesirable outcomes. But how does this happen, and how do we, detect/avoid this?

 Exercise 7: Discuss and List mitigations for potential unethical use of AI and preventing bias in AI

Session 3 – AI: The Impact on Platforms & Network

→ Platform Culture 

Enormous growth and technology and capability that’s changing the way people interact with each other with their jobs and with their money; what will AI bring to the party? 

→ AI & Business Model Evolution 

There’s been a dramatic change in the business models that companies are using. See the market value of Apple and Amazon’s they’re racing $2 trillion valuations much faster than legacy companies like GE. 

→ New Asset Types 

There’s a new set of assets that are driving platform business models, and it’s a completely different approach. Platform companies are able to use less to do more. Platform Companies have totally different economics than the rest of the market. But what does this mean?

→ Day Four Wrap up Let’s wrap up the day; answer any questions, discuss what we learned and prepare for Day Five.

Day 5
Session I – The Future: Technology and the Workforce Merge Together

→ Amazing Future Trends to Watch Out For

 From the elongation of human lifespan to leveraging people on the autistic spectrum to increase innovation; the future is bright.

 → Amazing Future Technologies to Watch Out For

 AI is not the only workforce technology on the way. The meta verse and Apple Vision Pro headsets will change work dramatically. 

Discussion: What Does the Future Hold for You

 How will your organization look like after AI change?

→ The Evolution and Future of AI 

How will AI (and the Metaverse) evolve and change the workplace. 

→ What’s Next for AI 

AI’s impact in the next five years? Human life will speed up, behaviors will change and industries will be transformed — and that’s only what can be predicted with certainty. 

Discussion: Let’s reflect where AI is going 

→ What will society look like when AI is everywhere? 

The workplace and our homes will never be the same again. 

→ Hotbeds of AI Innovation 

Let’s take a look at where AI Innovations is taking place.

 → Course Wrap UP 

Let’s discuss and summarize what we have learned.

على من يجب الحضور؟

Can be configured as a course for HR executives and HR Senior managers...

Configured more broadly for:

 → Executives and senior managers and/or their direct reports; 

→ HR, Finance, Marketing, Supply Chain, Customer Services, IT

الدورات ذات الصلة

أسئلة شائعة

ما هي لغة التدريس في الدورات التدريبية؟ وما هو مستوى اللغة الإنجليزية المطلوب للمشاركة في برامج ليورون؟
تُقدَّم معظم الدورات العامة لدينا باللغة الإنجليزية. لذا، يُشترط في المشاركين أن يكونوا متمكّنين من اللغة الإنجليزية لضمان المشاركة الفعالة في ورش العمل والتفاعل مع باقي المشاركين. أما بالنسبة للدورات الداخلية (In-house)، فلدينا القدرة على تقديم التدريب باللغات العربية والهولندية والألمانية والبرتغالية.
هل الدورات العامة التي تقدّمها ليورون معتمدة من أيّ جهة رسمية؟
يتعاون معهد ليورون مع أكثر من 20 جهة ومنظمة دولية، كما يمنح ساعات التطوير المهني المستمر (CPE/PDUs) من خلال الهيئات التالية: 1. الرابطة الوطنية لمجالس المحاسبة في الولايات المتحدة (NASBA) 2. وحدات PDUs لمعهد إدارة المشاريع 3. اعتمادات المعهد البريطاني للأوراق المالية والاستثمار (CISI) 4. اعتمادات الرابطة العالمية لمدراء المخاطر (GARP) 5. اعتمادات إعادة التصديق من المعهد الأمريكي للموارد البشرية (HRCI) 6. اعتمادات إعادة التصديق من منظمة SHRM.
ما هو الموعد النهائي للتسجيل في الدورات العامة؟
الموعد النهائي للتسجيل في الدورات العامة هو 14 يوماً قبل بدء الدورة. يرجى ملاحظة أنه في بعض الحالات، قد يتم قبول التسجيلات المتأخرة، ولكن ذلك يتطلب موافقة مدير المشروع التدريبي، أو مكتب التسجيل الذي يمكن التواصل معه عبر رقم الهاتف +1071 4 1075 5711 أو البريد الإلكتروني [email protected].
ما الذي تشمله رسوم الدورة؟
تشمل رسوم الدورة تجربة تدريبية متميزة في فندق 5 نجوم، والمواد التعليمية، ووجبات الغداء والمرطبات، بالإضافة إلى رسوم الشهادات والانضمام إلى الهيئات المعتمدة في بعض الدورات.
هل تقدّم ليورون خصومات؟
نعم، يمكننا تقديم خصومات على الحجوزات الجماعية، ويسعدنا التحدث معك إذا كنت ترغب في مناقشة الحصول على خصم على مستوى الشركات.


  • عرض:
    AR IAMM Internal Audit Maturity Model
    AR In recognition of their dedication and contribution supporting IKEA Saudi Arabia in arranging training programs during 2017 & 2018, looking forward for more development and exciting effort this year. On behalf of IKEA Saudi Arabia, THANK YOU!
    Dalal Kutbi
  • عرض:
    AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
    AR Dating back to 2014, Mobily’s “LEORON” experience has grown from a single collaboration to a long-term partnership. We consider “LEORON” Institute as a strategic partner, whose contribution has been nothing but premium in equipping our staff with field-based knowledge and information. Past three years have resulted with an expanded collaboration with superior customer service and support. Best Regards,
    Turki S. Alsahaan
  • عرض:
    AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
    AR Since the partnership was signed between BAE Systems Saudi Development & Training and LEORON in 2017, we have been working together to offer the Saudi market a complete portfolio of training solutions benefiting from the wide and extensive experience of both parties. Recognizing the great success of this partnership, we are looking for further collaborations in the future that will position both companies as one of the leading training providers in Saudi Arabia. We thank the LEORON team for their full cooperation and continuing support, and look forward to further success together in the years to come.
    Emad Alrajih
  • عرض:
    AR Certified Professional in Quality and Patient Safety
    AR We have been working with LEORON for the past two years and will be working with them again this upcoming year. The programs they delivered were fruitful and exciting and our organization has received positive feedback from the participants. What our organization aims to do is to provide at no cost training for all the private sector employees so that they may benefit from our offered programs in Innovation and Professional development. LEORON has helped us achieve this goal. We look forward to continuing this service and wish them the best of luck. Regards,
    Nasser M. Al-Subaie